The Chunky Glitter Mag Tissue Strip Set - Mini size

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Add The Mag Tissue Strip to The Mag Bag. It's a new way to tissue and it adds an extra "sparkle" to your gift presentation!

No more fussing with gift tissue, no more wrinkled tissue, no more torn tissue and no more tissue falling inside the bag. The Mag Tissue strip is easily applied to the inside of your gift bag with an adhesive strip.  Once you place your gift in the gift bag, simply apply The Mag Tissue Strip to both sides of the inside of the gift bag and you're done! Sold in sets of 2 strips. 

Product specifications: 

  • The mini-sized tissue strip measures 6"w x 3"h


Patent pending on The Mag Tissue Strip

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  • 5
    Tissue Strips

    Posted by Alison Huff on Dec 15th 2021

    Love! These are absolutely genius and the perfect complement to any mini mag bag!!!!! Gold chunks really stand out