Elegant Crystal Pretty Pocket

The Mag Bag

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The Mag Bag is the perfect gift wrap pairing for any occasion. The Mag Bag is a magnetic gift bag and magnetic greeting card all in one. 

No more fumbling around inside the gift bag to find the greeting card - it's magnetized to the front of the gift bag. It also serves as the design of the gift bag.  

The Elegant Crystal Pretty Pocket Mag Set includes: 

  • The Mag Bag gift bag decorated with an elegant, sparkling crystal on the front of the bag
  • The Mag Greeting Card adorned with an elegant crystal. This one-of-a-kind pocket card has a flap that opens from the top/front of the card - write your sentiment on the piece of paper that slides out of the pocket card (from the top)

Your gift recipient can keep the magnetic greeting card and showcase it in their home or office - they can attach it to any magnetized surface. And, your sentiment written on the inside of the pocket card stays with the card, so your gift recipient can cherish it as a keepsake for many years to come. 

Plus, add The Mag Tissue Strip to your already unique gift bag. It's a new way to tissue! No more fussing with gift tissue, no more wrinkled tissue, no more torn tissue and no more tissue falling inside the bag. The Mag Tissue strip is easily applied to the inside of your gift bag with an adhesive strip.  Once you place your gift in the gift bag, simply apply The Mag Tissue Strip to both sides of the inside of the gift bag and you're done! Select "Yes" in the dropdown above to add a set of 2 tissue strips to your order. Each tissue strip features 1 glitter tulle tissue (to match the bag) and 1 white tulle tissue. It adds an extra "sparkle" to your gift presentation. 

Product specifications: 

  • The Mag Bag comes in 2 different sizes - specify your size in the dropdown menu above.
    NOTE: Not currently available in the Vogue size. 

  • The greeting card measures 4" square

Patent Pending on The Mag Bag, The Mag Card and The Mag Tissue Strip.